Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Every New Begining Comes from Some Other Beginning's End"

Well I am officially done with all of my graduate school work and as of Friday I will finally be hooded as a Master! It is so hard to believe that two years have gone by so fast and that it is already time for Timmy and I to move on to a new beginning. While at this point we are still not sure what that new beginning will be we are excited to see what may be in store.

Looking back over the past two years I realize how lucky and blessed we have been while being here in Columbia. While it has been hard at times to be away from family and friends back home, we have been fortunate to meet some great new friends through school and work. We are extremely grateful for their love, friendship, and support over the past two years. While there have definitely been ups and downs over the past two years I feel lucky to have such a supportive husband and great friends here.

It has sort of been fun to have another "Senior Year". For my program we had our end of the year SPA Banquet last Friday and then I enjoyed a great night out on the town with several of my friends from the program. My mom gets into town tomorrow and the next few days will be filled with finishing up work, getting some time with my friends who will be leaving Columbia this weekend, and celebrating not only my own graduation but also Reed's from Hampden-Sydney. I am sure the weekend will fly by but I look forward to sharing this time with friends and family. Sorry I have no fun pictures at this point for the blog, but I will try to upload them if time allows over the next few days!

But for now, I am off to celebrate probably one of my favorite holidays, that's right, Cinco De Mayo! I mean come on, what other holiday is centered around drinking margarita's?!? But before that I am going to enjoy the great Mexican dinner Timmy is preparing for me, thank goodness I have a husband who can cook!

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